
Eventably API

Most dependencies can be handled directly from running npm install but some require global installation. To do so, run the following:

    npm install -g markdownlint-cli && npm install -g node-gyp && npm install jsdoc -g  
  • Install dependencies: After cloning this repository, run npm install.
  • Install the database: After installing all dependencies, you'll need to manually create a MySQL database you can use. Then, execute the statements in install.sql

Run npm start

Run npm stop

Run npm run restart

  • Generate code documentation: npm run docs
  • JavaScript linting: npm run lint
  • Run tests npm test (this will run both linting and testing)

This project is a pretty standard NodeJS project.

  • Project config stuff is in the project root folder
  • Application code is in /app/
  • Auto-generated docs (via JSDoc) are in /docs/
  • All automated tests are located in /test/
  • All specification work is in /specification/